Lingampally to Hyderabad mmts train timings | mmts time table | updated mmts train timings on 06-Jan-2024

* marked trains wont run on sunday

Train timings mentioned below are up to date.If you find any of them wrong please click on feed back form and submit your findings.

NOTE: Please use horizontal scroller to view the timings
Hitech City
Necklace Road
47126 47127 47128 47129 47130 47131 47132 47133 47134* 47135* 47136* 47137* 47138* 47139 47140 47141 47142 47143 47144 47145 47146 47147 47148
05:25 05:50 06:38 07:20 08:00 08:43 09:19 09:55 10:29 11:05 11:48 12:30 13:05 15:00 16:13 17:15 18:09 18:40 19:01 19:55 21:00 21:55 22:45
05:29 05:54 06:42 07:24 08:04 08:47 09:22 09:59 10:33 11:09 11:52 12:34 13:09 15:04 16:17 17:19 18:13 18:44 19:05 19:59 21:04 21:59 22:49
05:33 05:58 06:46 07:28 08:09 08:51 09:26 10:04 10:37 11:14 11:57 12:38 13:14 15:09 16:22 17:24 18:18 18:49 19:10 20:04 21:09 22:04 22:53
05:37 06:02 06:50 07:32 08:13 08:54 09:28 10:08 10:41 11:18 12:01 12:42 13:16 15:13 16:26 17:28 18:22 18:53 19:14 20:08 21:13 22:08 22:57
05:39 06:04 06:52 07:34 08:15 08:56 09:30 10:10 10:43 11:20 12:03 12:44 13:18 15:15 16:28 17:30 18:24 18:55 19:16 20:10 21:15 22:10 22:59
05:41 06:06 06:54 07:36 08:17 08:58 09:33 10:12 10:45 11:23 12:05 12:46 13:20 15:17 16:30 17:32 18:26 18:57 19:18 20:12 21:17 22:12 23:01
05:43 06:08 06:56 07:38 08:20 09:00 09:36 10:15 10:48 11:26 12:08 12:48 13:23 15:20 16:32 17:35 18:28 19:00 19:21 20:15 21:20 22:15 23:04
05:45 06:10 06:58 07:40 08:22 09:02 09:38 10:17 10:50 11:28 12:10 12:50 13:25 15:22 16:34 17:37 18:30 19:02 19:23 20:17 21:22 22:17 23:06
05:47 06:12 07:00 07:42 08:24 09:04 09:40 10:19 10:52 11:30 12:12 12:52 13:27 15:24 16:36 17:39 18:32 19:04 19:25 20:19 21:24 22:19 23:08
05:51 06:16 07:04 07:45 08:28 09:08 09:47 10:26 10:56 11:37 12:19 12:54 13:32 15:29 16:41 17:43 18:38 19:10 19:32 20:26 21:31 22:26 23:12
05:53 06:18 07:06 07:47 08:30 09:10 09:49 10:28 10:58 11:39 12:21 12:56 13:34 15:31 16:43 17:45 18:40 19:12 19:34 20:28 21:33 22:28 23:14
05:59 06:21 07:11 07:53 08:32 09:15 09:51 10:30 11:03 11:40 12:23 13:01 13:36 15:33 16:45 17:51 18:42 19:15 19:36 20:30 21:35 22:30 23:19
06:10 06:40 07:30 08:05 08:50 09:28 10:04 10:45 11:14 11:52 12:33 13:15 13:55 15:45 16:58 18:00 18:54 19:25 19:46 20:45 21:45 22:40 23:30

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